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Pharmacy inspections

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Jhoots Pharmacy (1093204) - Improvement action plan

Standard not met Reason Action being taken by the Pharmacy By when Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made

The pharmacy team do not identify and manage some risks to people’s safety as a result of its working practices. Not all the team members have read all the company’s written procedures and some of these are not being followed.

The staff have been asked to re read some SOP asap. the pharmacist will contiue to support and train the new staff members.

16/03/2020 11/03/2020

The pharmacy team cannot provide assurance that they are recording and learning sufficiently from mistakes to prevent them from happening again.

Near Miss log are being recorded on Pro Script and on paper. Weekly near miss meeting and risk management will take place to learn from mistakes.

16/03/2020 11/03/2020

Some team members are not properly trained and so don’t understand the procedures that they should be following.

Training is being provided and will be ongoing. Both new team members are now enrolled onto Numark Training courses. The new staff will continue to double check with the pharamcist if they are unsure on any procedures.

16/03/2020 11/03/2020

The pharmacy does not keep all the records it must by law.

The recording of private prescriptions will be legally compliant.

16/03/2020 11/03/2020

The team members do not protect people’s private information.

The staff will be trained by the manager to ensure that they appreciate the importance of patient confidentiality. We are in the process of setting up CPPE training which will provide extra guidance on confidentiality.

16/03/2020 11/03/2020

The pharmacy does not have enough suitably qualified staff to manage its workload safely. And, they receive no additional support from the company when team members are on holiday or off sick.

The shortage of the qualified staff members will be addressed through training and education. HR are aware of the issues and are currently recruiting new staff in local area to help solve holiday cover. We are experiencing difficulties in recruiting dispensers and head office are working to deal with this issue.

16/03/2020 11/03/2020

The team members do not do regular on-going learning and so their skills may not be up to date. And, those members in training are not allocated any dedicated time at work for their courses. This means that these may take much longer than normal to complete.

Each team member will be allocated one-hour of study time each week to help with the Numark course and any other training that is needed.

16/03/2020 11/03/2020

The team members are comfortable about providing feedback to their immediate manager but some legitimate concerns, raised to higher management, are not acted on.

The superintendent will get involved and will discuss with manager any concerns that have been raised. Also, during store visits he will discuss any issues with staff.

16/03/2020 11/03/2020

Not all the pharmacy's services are managed effectively to make sure that they are delivered safely. In particular, it has has poor procedures for any items that are owed to people. This means that some people may run out of their medicines.

Jhoots owing SOP to be followed by all staff. The new process of ordering medicines is to be followed and owing notes will be issued to patients when the pharmacy cannot fill full prescription.

16/03/2020 11/03/2020

The pharmacy does not store or dispose of all its medicines safely.

The storage of patient returns will be tidied up and our contractors will be notified to increase collections. Patient confidentiality will be followed and any information will be removed or edited before being put into medicine waste bags.

16/03/2020 11/03/2020

The team members cannot demonstrate that people only get medicines or devices that are safe.

Pharmacist and head office will provide training on patient safety and medicine recalls and incidents according to the SOPs.

16/03/2020 11/03/2020