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Pharmacy inspections

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Polwarth Pharmacy (1042725) - Improvement action plan

Standard not met Reason Action being taken by the Pharmacy By when Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made

There are unmanaged risks in the pharmacy due to standard operating procedures being old, inadequate, containing incorrect (and sometimes illegal) processes, and team members not following them. And the pharmacy does not keep prescriptions until medicines are supplied.

1. SOPs to be reviewed and updated
2. All staff members to read, sign and adopt new SOPs
3. All scripts to be retained in the pharmacy until after final handout to the patient. Implemented 14 Dec.

22/01/2021 12/02/2021

The pharmacy does not adequately record and review mistakes so team members cannot learn from them.

1. All near misses and incidents will now be recorded on the reportsmart section of Pharmsmart website (this to be included in updated SOPs) and near misses to be recorded by the staff member responsible. Started 7 Jan.
2. Monthly patient safety reviews will be completed using the Pharmsmart tool and the team will be involved in the review process

22/01/2021 24/02/2021

The pharmacy does not have enough trained or training team members to safely provide its services.

1. A new, full time, qualified dispenser has been employed and commenced work on the 19th of December
2. All other staff members are now enrolled for dispenser/Counter assistant course and/or delivery driver courses provided by the NPA. Dec 20

22/01/2021 11/01/2021

The pharmacy does not provide ongoing training and development to ensure team members have the skills they need for their roles.

1. A training schedule has been produced 7 Jan allocating 30 minutes (minimum) training time to each member of staff per week
2. All members of staff will be provided with a login for Numark giving them access to training materials

22/01/2021 11/01/2021

The pharmacy does not have processes in place for team members to raise concerns if they have any.

1. Updated grievance SOP to be adopted, All staff to read and sign
2. Appendix including contact details for Director, Superintendent and any other consenting staff members will be appended to the updated SOP

22/01/2021 24/02/2021

The pharmacy is not always secure from unauthorised access while it is closed.

1. Pharmacy and shutter keys are retained by designated staff members only. Implemented.
2. A key safe for CD keys will be installed and the CODE for entry will be provided to pharmacists only

22/01/2021 24/02/2021

Dispensing services are not always managed safely and effectively due to prescriptions being sent for payment before the medicines are supplied. And the pharmacy does not manage dispensing in compliance packs effectively and safely.

1. Process and management of compliance aids was reviewed post inspection and scripts are annotated with start and end dates and are being retained until after end date. Patient medication change records are being retained and updated. Reviewed post-inspection and new process adopted.
2. Updated SOPs to be implemented and reviewed regularly as per section 1.1

22/01/2021 12/02/2021