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Pharmacy inspections

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Gilmerton Pharmacy (1042665) - Improvement action plan

Standard not met Reason Action being taken by the Pharmacy By when Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made

The pharmacy team does not have robust arrangements in place to learn when things go wrong. And team members do not take action to learn from their mistakes and reduce the risk of further errors.

All colleagues to be trained on SaferCare and Record of Competence (RoC) to be completed for training.

All colleagues to be trained on company Near Miss process and expectations, and RoC to be completed for training.

All colleagues to be trained on how to access the HuB and use PIMs to record errors including printing incidents. RoC to be completed for training.

All colleagues to complete the LASA training and complete RoC for this.

31/07/2023 27/07/2023

There are periods of time where the pharmacy does not have enough suitably trained and qualified staff for the pharmacy to operate safely and effectively. And team members do not always keep key tasks up to date, including reading the pharmacy's written procedures, checking expiry dates and recording fridge temperatures.

All vacancies including any temporary positions to be advertised with agency.

All colleagues to be given training time in work which is protected and scheduled in.

All colleagues to ensure that SOPs have been read, and they have a signed RoC for them.

All colleagues to be trained on the completion of fridge temperature checks and have completed RoC.

Full dispensary date check to be completed and then the pharmacy team to continue weekly date check as per company schedule.

Dispensary to be tidied and all uncollected medicines to be returned to stock and dealt with appropriately.

CD balance checks to be completed each week in line with company processes.

31/07/2023 27/07/2023