Standard not met | Reason | Action being taken by the Pharmacy | By when | Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made |
4.4 | The pharmacy does not action alerts about the safety of medicines in a timely and appropriate way to ensure medicines in the pharmacy are fit for supply. |
The team have been supported by the Area Manager and all alerts since January 24 have been printed, checked, signed, and placed in the Patient Safety Folder. This action was completed on 25th July 2024. All relevant staff will receive refresher training by re-reading relevant SOP. The importance of annotating each alert with a colleague signature, date and record of the action taken was reiterated to the team and will also be included on the agenda at the next team Monthly Patient Safety Review meeting. Team have been reminded of the requirement to file and retain paperwork in the designated section in the Patient Safety Folder for 2 years. |
09/08/2024 | 08/08/2024 |