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Pharmacy inspections

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Midhurst Pharmacy (1041458) - Improvement action plan

Standard not met Reason Action being taken by the Pharmacy By when Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made

The pharmacy does not have a robust process in place to manage and learn from incidents. This includes complaints. The team is not always making records of incidents or investigating them appropriately and there is limited evidence of remedial activity or lessons being learnt in response

Management will make sure any shortfalls will in recording incidents or complaints will be implemented.
Complaints and incidents recording processes will be reviewed again.

09/01/2020 20/02/2020

The pharmacy is not identifying and managing several risks associated with its services as failed under the relevant principles. The staff have not read and signed all of the pharmacy's standard operating procedures and they are not routinely working in line with them

Midhurst has all current SOP’s available in the premises. Not aware that new members of the staff had not signed them This will be done with immediate effect. Each staff member will be asked to read them again and work in line with the SOP,s Management will oversee this is done with immediate effect and going forward area manager will make sure compliance.

09/01/2020 20/02/2020

The pharmacy is not always managing and storing information appropriately to protect the privacy, dignity and confidentiality of people who receive pharmacy services. There is confidential information stored within an unlocked consultation room, a risk of access to confidential information from the way people's signatures are being obtained during the delivery service and the team is not processing confidential waste in a timely manner

The consultation room has a lock and the room should be kept locked when not in use.
Clear guidelines will be given again to the RP and the staff.
Confidential waste is collected on a weekly basis by our driver and brought to head office

09/01/2020 20/02/2020

The pharmacy is not maintaining records of supplies made against private prescriptions in accordance with the law. The team is using loose sheets to document records and have not maintained any records for the past month

This is inexcusable and all private prescriptions should be recorded in line with company policy and the law. All entries should be made in the private prescription register.

09/01/2020 20/02/2020

The pharmacy does not have enough suitably qualified and skilled staff to provide its services safely and effectively. The current staffing arrangements are insufficient to cope with the workload, routine tasks are therefore not being completed or undertaken in a timely manner

The pharmacy is normally run with a RP , Dispenser/Technician and a counter assistant and a Pre Reg student.
The dispenser has left and we are in the process of recruiting.
Full head office support is provided at all times together with our area manager.
• We sent a 2nd Pharmacist for two days in the first week to catch up with workload and assist the checking.
• For 4 days we sent dispensing cover from another branch.
• We are still in the process of recruiting a dispenser.
• For the last two weeks we have been supporting the branch with extra help when necessary.
• We will have a new full time Pharmacist starting in January 2020 covering the whole week, rather two part time Pharmacists.

09/01/2020 20/02/2020

The pharmacy does not have an appropriate environment for staff to learn and develop their skills. The team is not provided with or has any opportunity to complete training resources. They do not have regular performance reviews, the pre-registration pharmacists are not being supported effectively or have set aside time to help them complete their studies

All staff and the pre reg students have appropriate training plans
• We have visited the branch on weekly basis and informed the students that they will have a full time pharmacist from January.

09/01/2020 20/02/2020

The pharmacy's services are not currently being provided in an environment that is appropriate for the provision of healthcare. The dispensary is extremely cluttered, untidy and disorganized and the pharmacy's workspaces are not kept clear enough to work safely on

Agree that the pharmacy may be cluttered and untidy and it is not something we endorse and this been brought to the attention of the manager to rectify.

09/01/2020 20/02/2020

The pharmacy is not making the appropriate checks in response to drug safety alerts. This means that they could supply medicines or medical devices that are not fit for purpose

The most recent one was the Ranitidine drug alert. The RP is aware of that. Not sure this was communicated upon your visit.
The recording and actioning of drug alerts will again be reviewed.
A New folder has been provided to the Pharmacy to store the drug alerts. Going forward these new procedures will be checked by the Area Manager.

09/01/2020 20/02/2020

The pharmacy's services are not always being managed and delivered safely and effectively. The team is significantly behind with the workload, people are being left without their medicines, the pharmacy is not always maintaining effective audit trails about its services, people are reporting that medicines are being left unattended outside their home and this includes controlled drugs. There are date-expired dispensed prescriptions for controlled drugs that have not been removed and patient information leaflets are not routinely being supplied when people receive multi-compartment compliance aids

Our drivers have signed SOP,s and know how to deliver and keep records on the drivers log sheet.
One incident has happened where the medicines may have been left outside the door. It will not happen again.
• We have reviewed our complaint procedures and these will be implemented going forward. And we have informed the Manager that any complaints have to be recorded and an incident report done and sent over the Area Manager and Head office.
• The driver has been informed that he needs to get a signature for every delivery and a log of the deliveries made must be kept in the Pharmacy
• See attached updated delivery SOP’S.
• Our driver has signed the updated SOP’S.

09/01/2020 20/02/2020