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Pharmacy inspections

Inspection reports and learning from inspections

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Alpha Pharmacy (1040656) - Improvement action plan

Standard not met Reason Action being taken by the Pharmacy By when Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made

The pharmacy is not maintaining all of its records in accordance with the law. This includes the RP record and records for private prescriptions. Staff have not kept appropriate records of Controlled Drugs brought back by the public for disposal. At the point of inspection, the team was unable to provide records for unlicensed medicines or all of the private prescriptions dispensed in the pharmacy

• Inform and remind all pharmacists that the RP record is a legal document and therefore all entries should be made in chronological order and unaltered, they must not be cancelled, obliterated or altered. Corrections made must be made by dated marginal notes and amendments should be initialled and
dated with the pharmacists GPhC number.
• Pharmacists will be informed that CDs returned by patients should be entered in the register for patient returned CDs at the point of arrival and not made at the point of destruction.
• A Folder has been made for the invoices/ certificates for unlicensed medicines and which must be kept for 5 years.
• All private prescriptions are to be filed in chronological order, and all entries are to be made upon receipt.

05/08/2019 05/08/2019

The pharmacy is not routinely safeguarding people's confidential information and there is no evidence that governance arrangements are in place for this. There is confidential information left in an unlocked consultation room, the team does not remove confidential information before placing medicines requiring disposal within waste bins, there are no specific documented details to support the management of confidential information, staff have not signed confidentiality agreements and this includes people working at the pharmacy who are not employed by them, the pharmacy does not inform people about how their private information is maintained, staff are not trained on recent developments in the law and people's sensitive information can be seen from the way signatures are obtained during the delivery service

• All pharmacy staff have been informed of the importance of patient confidentiality and have signed confidentiality agreements.
• All staff will undergo the necessary safeguarding training with CPPE
• Inform all the staff understand the importance of safeguarding confidential information, and ensure that the private consultation room must be locked if there if confidential information left in there
• All confidential labels must be removed from patient returns prior to
being placed in medicine return disposal bins
• pharmacy privacy policy notice is to be displayed
• change the method of the delivery log as suggested by the inspector, make a numbered list of the patients names and addresses for the delivery driver, and on the reverse, where there is no sensitive information, the patient signs alongside their corresponding number once they have receive their medication.

05/08/2019 05/08/2019

There is not enough assurance that the pharmacy has a robust process in place to manage and learn from dispensing incidents. Staff are not routinely recording near misses, their dispensing incidents are not recorded in a way where details can be easily retrieved, full details are not documented and there is limited evidence of remedial activity or learning occurring in response

• Ensure all staff members are aware of the location of the near miss/incident log, and instructions on how to make an entry.
• Highlight to all staff on the importance of recording near misses and incidents.
• Discuss incidence with all members of staff involved, undertaking a root-cause analysis. As well as to establish methods on how to overcome the error and stop it being repeated

05/08/2019 05/08/2019

The pharmacy is not identifying and managing several risks associated with its services as failed under the relevant principles. The pharmacy's standard operating procedures (SOPs) do not reflect current practice and staff are not working in line with these. There is no evidence that the team has read the SOPs. Staff are not trained to safeguard vulnerable people and they are posting medicines through people's doors without making relevant safety checks

• Ensure that all members of staff have read all relevant SOPs, which have been signed and dated as evidence
• Amend SOPs to reflect current practice e.g. prescriptions are filed in retrieval system not attached to dispensed medicines awaiting collection.
• Ensure all members of staff have undertaken training in safeguarding with certificates for proof of assessment
• Oral Consent to be obtained from patients for posting medication and are to be assessed individually for appropriateness i.e. children or pets at home

05/08/2019 05/08/2019

Pharmacy services are not provided by staff with clearly defined roles and clear lines of accountability. There is evidence of errors but there are no audit trails in place to identify who was involved, the roles and responsibilities of staff are not clearly documented, the pharmacy's SOPs do not make it clear where responsibility lies for different pharmacy activities. The pharmacy is not routinely maintaining audit trails so that it can always identify who was responsible for any professional activities

• Ensure all staff members are aware of their roles and responsibilities.
• Create a document that clearly outlines each staff members roles and duties, which is signed and dated once read by the staff.
• Ensure all pharmacy dispensary staff are signing off medicines when being dispensed and checked, to ensure an audit trail can be established in case an error arises and therefore to identify who was involved.
• Ensure SOPS clearly explain and highlight the roles and responsibilities of each staff member.

05/08/2019 05/08/2019

There are limited systems in place to deal with complaints or feedback. The pharmacy does not provide people with information about how they can complain and there is no documented complaints procedure in place

• Display a complaints poster in the pharmacy instructing patients on what to do if they are unhappy with the staff or services provided in the pharmacy.
• Provide patients with pharmacy leaflets, with information of the complaint’s procedure.
• Ensure all members of staff have read and signed the complaints procedure.

05/08/2019 05/08/2019

The pharmacy does not have enough staff to safely and effectively provide pharmacy services

• the owner is aware of the situation and has put out advertisements to recruit more members of qualified staff; qualified MCA and pharmacy technician.
• The owner/ manager has set his hours to 9am-7pm Monday to Friday
• The pharmacy has recruited part time pharmacy student(s) working 2 days a week

05/08/2019 10/09/2019

There is not enough assurance that staff have the appropriate qualifications for their role(s) or are enrolled onto accredited training in line with the GPhC's requirements. This includes the relative of the owner who is not employed by the pharmacy but sometimes works for them and sells medicines

• provide certificates and evidence of all staff qualifications as well as the courses they have been enrolled into

05/08/2019 05/08/2019

Pharmacy services are not provided from an environment that is appropriate for the provision of healthcare services. Most of the pharmacy is extremely cluttered, this includes the consultation room, there are several unnecessary items present in the back area, dispensed medicines stored here in plastic bags are not sealed appropriately to prevent contamination from spiders and staff are not ensuring that the fire exit is kept clear at all times in line with Health and Safety legislation

• ensure the pharmacy environment is always clean, organise and not cluttered.
• Hiring a cleaner
• Clearing the back storage area to ensure that the fire exit is kept clear.

05/08/2019 05/08/2019

There is insufficient assurance that stock is stored and managed appropriately. The pharmacy stores some of its medicines in a disorganised way, there are mixed batches, loose blisters, access to some medicines that need to be kept more secure, evidence that patient returned medicines are stored close to dispensary stock, there are no means available to store patient returned hazardous and cytotoxic medicines appropriately and verifiable processes to routinely identify as well as remove date-expired medicines are lacking

• Ensure no mixed batches are kept, and no loose blisters.
• Patient returned medicines must be stored away from dispensary stock.
• Call medical waste company and ask them to provide the pharmacy with hazardous and cytotoxic waste bins.
• Put up a list of hazardous and cytotoxic medicines that must be disposed of in the special bins.
• Put a chart in place to ensure stock dates are checked routinely.

05/08/2019 05/08/2019

Pharmacy services are not managed or delivered safely and effectively. The team is not using dispensing audit trails, prescriptions are not used during the dispensing process or when dispensed medicines are handed-out, staff are routinely claiming payment for medicines before they have been collected by people, owing slips are not routinely used, compliance aids are sometimes left unsealed overnight, descriptions of medicines and Patient Information Leaflets are not routinely provided when people are supplied with these, and people prescribed higher-risk medicines are not routinely identified, counselled or relevant checks made

• Ensure prescriptions are used throughout the dispensing process i.e. print the eps token and use it to pick stock and for final check and when handing out.
• Ensure prescriptions are only claimed once medicines have been collected by the patient.
• Inform all dispensary staff that Owing slips must always be used when issuing part supplies.
• Inform all staff to make sure all stock is available prior to starting a dossette box to ensure compliance aid and is not left unsealed. In addition, descriptions of medications are to be written and PILS are to be provided and supplied with every dossette box supplied.
• Identify patients prescribed with higher risk medicine and provide them help and advice

05/08/2019 05/08/2019