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Pharmacy inspections

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M.E.J. Hingley & Co Ltd. (1038007) - Improvement action plan

Standard not met Reason Action being taken by the Pharmacy By when Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made

The pharmacy’s risk assessments do not adequately identify and manage all of the risks associated with its services, including the risks associated with working with an overseas prescriber. Risk assessments for the individual medicines it supplies are not regularly reviewed and updated. And the pharmacy’s standard operating procedures do not always clearly explain how it operates and who is responsible for each part of the service.

Risk assessment of services.
Risk assessment of overseas prescriber.
Review risk assessment of medicines.
Review SOPs to include operation,

31/08/2022 13/10/2022

Proactive audits of the service are not carried out, so the pharmacy cannot demonstrate that prescribing is safe and in accordance with UK guidelines.

Audit of prescribing

31/08/2022 06/09/2022

The pharmacy team are not all appropriately qualified to carry out the tasks that they are doing on a daily basis. Regular checks to confirm the prescriber’s registration and authority to prescribe are not carried out.

Enrol [redacted] on [redacted] HCA course.
Six monthly checks on prescriber’s

31/08/2022 06/09/2022

The pharmacy's website is designed so that a member of the public can select a medicine before commencing a consultation. And it contains information which is sometimes inaccurate or misleading.

Cange sequence of website ordering.
Update website information.

31/08/2022 13/10/2022

The pharmacy sells medicines via its website, but it does not carry out enough independent checks to provide assurance that the medicines it supplies are suitable for the person requesting them or that they are being used safely. It does not check people’s identity when they purchase medicines or verify any of the information provided in the online questionnaires. And it does not share all relevant information with the person's regular doctor when it supplies medicines that require monitoring.

Identity checks.
Change wording on questionnaire for patients to consent to transfer of information & supply regular GP contact details.

31/08/2022 13/10/2022