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Pharmacy inspections

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Gospel Lane Pharmacy (1037993) - Improvement action plan

Standard not met Reason Action being taken by the Pharmacy By when Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made

The pharmacy does not undertake audits or regularly review the main services that it provides, so issues are not promptly identified and addressed. The pharmacy does not thoroughly investigate allegations of dispensing incidents or complaints. And the pharmacy team does not regularly review its near misses or effectively use these as learning opportunities.

A staff meeting took place on 1st July 2021 in which the staff were briefed regarding the need for all dispensing incidences and complaints known to be investigated, and the need for monthly reviews of their near misses and use these to compare to previous performance to look for opportunities to improve their practice and continual professional development.

By monitoring monthly or earlier depending on situation. With a view to see a reduction in near misses and identify any members of the pharmacy team needing any help.

03/08/2021 04/08/2021

Not all pharmacy team members are enrolled on accredited training courses within 12-weeks of starting in their role. Staff members are not supported to complete their accredited training within the time scales suggested by the course provider.

6 members of staff have
been internally assessed regarding their suitability and the level of work involved, and whether they would want paper based or online based coursework. We can confirm that all 6 staff members have been enrolled onto relevant courses, 5 of them onto NPA dispensing assistant courses and 1 onto the NPA counter assistant course.

All courses ordered from the NPA and awaiting arrival. Two via online method and four via paper based method as per choice from staff. To keep monitoring staff on monthly basis to ensure that their deadlines are met and provide the necessary support.

03/08/2021 04/08/2021

The pharmacy does not always operate efficiently. Prescriptions are dispensed after they are due or to tight time frames, which could lead to errors. People are not adequately assessed prior to commencing compliance packs and the pharmacy continues to take on new patients, despite the cramped working conditions.

A staff meeting took place on 1st July 2021 in which we identified the need to ensure that we are more efficient, this covered the need for all staff members to volunteer to cover those who are on holiday when workload builds up, ensure that staff are present when the workload is anticipated to be high, and to assess the patient prior to commencing compliance aid, we may review the care home services.

To monitor patients requests that they are processed within time frames and continuously look for ways to improve and develop the most efficient practice and also to review the care home services which over the next two weeks.

03/08/2021 04/08/2021