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Pharmacy inspections

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Drayton Prime Pharmacy (1031800) - Improvement action plan

Standard not met Reason Action being taken by the Pharmacy By when Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made

Members of the pharmacy team have been allowed to take short cuts when using the patient medication record system to assemble people's prescriptions. This failure to follow the relevant standard operating procedures can be considered as having significantly contributed to an undetected error being made.

The Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the dispensing process have been thoroughly reviewed by all staff members, and the signature sheet has been updated to confirm their current understanding.

Weekly team meetings are ongoing, where I have emphasized the importance of strictly following the SOPs during dispensing. I have also verbally reviewed the procedures with the team to ensure their comprehension. Detailed reports are made of the weekly meetings. The staff are now carefully following the SOPs, paying close attention and avoiding rushing during the dispensing process.

A manual near-miss log is now available in the dispensary, and staff are actively recording any near misses as they occur. An incident book has been ordered, and all future incidents will be documented in it. These incidents and near misses will be reviewed during weekly meetings, where an action plan will be developed to drive improvements.

20/09/2024 10/09/2024

The pharmacy is unable to show that medicines needing to be stored in a refrigerator, have been kept within the correct temperature range over a period of several months.

Both the stock fridge and the collection fridge have been reset, and their temperatures are now within the correct range. The store manager updates the temperature record sheets daily. If a fridge goes out of range, the store manager is now trained to reset it. If the issue persists, staff know to contact the number on the fridge for assistance from an engineer.
We have had a weekly meeting addressing the fridges being out of range, during which we discussed the acceptable range (2-8 degrees). It was emphasized that if a fridge is out of range, the responsible pharmacist should be notified immediately.

20/09/2024 10/09/2024