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Pharmacy inspections

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Redfield Pharmacy (1028604) - Improvement action plan

Standard not met Reason Action being taken by the Pharmacy By when Notification By Pharmacy Improvements Made

The pharmacy team do not identify and manage all risks. In particular, there is little reflection and learning following adverse incidents to prevent them from happening again.

Team to be retrained on the requirements and standards for recording incidents (to include CD incidents)

17/09/2019 09/09/2019

The team do not follow written company procedures and best practice procedures to ensure the quality of pharmacy services.

Team to be retrained on the company Safer Care procedure, a new Safer Care Leader to be appointed in store to oversee ongoing adherence.

Professional Support Manager to complete a full CD balance check, identifying any remaining issues and deal with any issues appropriately.

Team to be retrained on the requirements for CD delivery sheets, to include all checks required by drivers and filing requirements when they are returned to branch

Team to be briefed around the need for all dispensed medicines to have 2 signatures on the dispensing label, if this is a self-check, then a mental break is recommended.

17/09/2019 09/09/2019

Not all areas in the pharmacy look professional. The dispensing areas, internal metal shutter and a fabric-covered chair need cleaning.

Damaged window to be reported to maintenance and repaired as a priority

Job to be logged for the shutters to be cleaned to provide a professional image

Team to order new chairs

Team to complete a clean of the dispensary over the course of a weekend

17/09/2019 01/10/2019

Steps should be taken to improve the security of some of the areas of the pharmacy.

Job to be raised with maintenance to arrange for a bell to be put outside the back door, so that it can be closed when staff use the staffroom.

17/09/2019 02/09/2019

Medicines are not stored tidily and this increases the risk of mistakes.

A review of storage space dedicated to completed prescriptions including CDS to undertaken to ensure prescriptions are not stored on the floor

17/09/2019 01/10/2019